Barong bangkung (Pig barong)

Beauty of BALI - Barong Bangkung is carried out peripatetically through the village namely in one house to a different that's known as ngelawang. They perform this ngelawang from Galungan day to Umanis Kuningan, for 12 days. Barong Bangkung (sow) can also be known as Barong Bangkal (wild boar) or Barong Celeng (pig) because it has are an enormous black pig. It's carried out by two male ballroom dancers and supported by batel or tetamburan gamelan orchestra.

This dance usually carried out by children which contain group. Barong bangkung always visit people’s houses and can dance lively before each house gate. The occupant won't ever feel disturbed through the Barong. Actually, they're happy with this fresh and affordable entertainment. Using the money quantity of Rp.1.000, Rp.2000 or Rp.3000, individuals will dissolve in laughter for couple of amusing moments that's provided by the barong’s dancer.

in usual, Barong bangkung usually begins Ngelawang on Galungan until Kuningan, three days after Galungan and three days after Kuningan. Throughout the staging, Barong Bangkung group is going to be supported by couple of telek mask ballroom dancers (mostly children supported by batel musical instruments) using their funny faces. Sekaa (group) Barong Bangkung always walks at random in one village to a different. They dance in line with the money the greater they get compensated, the longer they'll dance.

Beauty of bali

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