Beauty of Bali : Home > feature slider > Jegog (Uniq traditional balinese bamboo music)
Jegog (Uniq traditional balinese bamboo music)
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on 06.50
Beauty of BALI - This quirk of nature has been exploited by local musicians with the creation of the gamelan jegog, so named for the remarkablejegogan that is the sonic core of the ensemble. Individual tubes on these may stretch to an incredible 3 meters in length, with circumferences of 60-65 centimeters.3 They are so unwieldy that a pair of musicians must sit on top of the frame of the instrument in order to play it. It requires quite a pounding with thick rubber beaters to coax music out of them, but what finally emerges is a sound so powerful that it seems to enter the body through the stomach rather than the ears. Beauty Of bali

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