Jl. Teuku Umar 120 Denpasar
Bali, Indonesia 80 114
Beauty of BALI - Kasih Ibu Hospital is one of the best hospitals in the city of Denpasar, Bali. Founded in 1987 as aprivate hospital, has become a major referral center in eastern Indonesia.
To ensure your well being and Kasih Ibu Hospital procedure service, please ask the right person in charge of your company or your insurance.
For outpatient services, if you want the service of convenience, you may register by phone and our staff will help you. Or you can subscribe directly to our outpatient registration desk.
For hospital services, our staff is able to confirm the availability of a room at the time of admission, this is due to the uncertainty of discharge and emergency admission to hospital. However, if we can not offer the room of your income, the transfer will be made as soon as you type you prefer is available.
Beauty of bali

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