Omed-omedan (Kissing ceremony)

Beauty of BALI - So many people, young and old, men and women, natives and foreigners came in flocks to see a unique ritual in Banjar Kaja, Sesetan village, South Denpasar, a day after Nyepi. The old men from Banjar Kaja sprinkle the road. A moment later, while the members of sekaa teruna teruni Satya Dharma Kerti (youth organization; in Banjar Kaja, its youth organization is named Satya Dharma Kerti) was praying, a Barong dance was held. After the praying and dancing session was over, the core of this ritual came.

The teenagers came out to the road. The boys were in left and the girls were in right. They were wetted by the adult ones. Balinese gambelan (traditional instrument) were played. The boys chose one of their members, so did the girls. Those chosen people were pushed by the others. “Omed-omedan” was started,

They pushed his and her waist. Gambelan player played another tune, more and more beat. They pushed their own member until the chosen ones met in the middle of the road, and both of the chosen embraced and kissed each other. However, the girls were so shy to do this ritual in public that the girls sometimes avoid the embraces and kisses. It was a totally different story for the boys. They were always excited to embrace and kiss the girls. Moreover, there was a boy took a minute longer to do that. For that reason the old men sprinkled them with so much water. Then the chosen were pulled back to their position by the others. Those push and pull were done for several times with different chosen people.

Attractive chosen people attracted more audiences to scream and push the others audiences because they want to see from closer distance The audiences which passed the border were also sprinkled. Whoop….so wet!

Another information if you want to come to see this tradition is do not forget to protect your camera and others electronic things. Who knows yours will be sprinkled too. Omed-omedan is held in a day after Nyepi (silence day) by people of Banjar Kaja, Sesetan village, South Denpasar. The teenagers who belong to this Banjar play the main role on this tradition. They -the boys and the girls- embrace each other by turns with wet body. They push a chosen boy and a chosen girl’s waist until they embrace and kiss ech other then he and she are pulled back to their initial position (see the complete information of omed-omedan on the previous posting).

 Omed-omedan come from ‘omed’ meant pull. Many people outside Banjar Kaja often call omed-omedan with med-medan. “Actually, this tradition was held on Nyepi day,” said I Wayan Sunarya, Kelian Adat (Head of Banjar) Banjar Kaja. In the bygone days, Raja Puri Oka, authority of Sesetan village, was sick. He was still sick until Nyepi but the teenagers of Banjar Kaja were bored staying in home during the silence day. So, they went out gathered together. They played and chatted noisily that Raja Puri Oka was disturbed. Raja Puri Oka felt angry and commanded them to get in their house. But a miracle happened. Raja Puri Oka got well and became really healthy. Since that day, Raja Puri Oka told Banjar Kaja’s teenagers to do ‘omed-omedan’ in Nyepi Day.

“In colonial period, we were asked not to do omed-omedan on Nyepi day,” added Sunarya. Without any wonder, Nyepi is not proper time to make noise. Then Omed-omedan is held on a day after Nyepi. There was an occasion in colonial time, the people of Banjar Kaja-ever did not hold this tradition. “Then two pigs came and fight in front of Banjar Kaja. It turns out, it was a sign from god that omed-omedan had to hold every year,” explained Sunarya. Until this time omed-omedan is still held annually.

On that day, many parents hope their teenagers will get a mate trough this omed-omedan. Suprisingly, in this Banjar, there are some couples which started their relationships from omed-omedan. “So I prove it,” said Sunarya. He did not feel anything to Ni Putu Yarniathi before omed-omedan. They were a friend. “But I don’t know after omed-omedan ‘that’ feeling came,” he recalled. They got marriage and this year their marriage reach 30 years. “I am very happy, now I have three children and many grandsons,” he said. Whoo… so romantic isn’t it?. Unfortunately, for those who are not the member of Banjar Kaja are not allowed joining this tradition, except as audiences.his tradition is not a sacred tradition like Pangrebongan in Kesiman village. However this tradition is so entertaining. Wanna see? Get ready on next year. [Source]

Beauty of bali

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